Consecutive Interpreter
Start Date
Nov 13, 2023
End Date
Nov 16, 2023
Project Description
2023.11 交替传译(EN>CN) 新西兰旅游局
- 会前参加会前会议,了解新西兰及旅业详情,并与罗托鲁瓦旅游局负责人 Kyle 先生会面。
- 负责新西兰罗托鲁瓦地区3天的旅游产品介绍及交替传译(EN<>CN )工作,以交替传译和个人演讲的方式完成买方和卖方交流洽谈。
- 大型会议即时交替传译,优秀的中英双语能力;
- 与客户及项目负责人保持沟通,注意细节,第一时间传递信息,促进商务洽谈成功;
- 接受高压工作环境,快速反应,同时注意信息准确度。
Tourism New Zealand Consecutive Interpreter (EN>CN) November, 2023
Interpreted and presented tourism products from Rotorua, New Zealand at the New Zealand Greater China Region Travel Industry Forum held in Shanghai for four days. Promoted cooperation between and promoted cooperation between both sides.
- Attended pre-forum meetings to understand details about New Zealand and the travel industry, and met with Kyle Kydd from the Rotorua NZ team.
- Handled the interpretation and presentation of tourism products from Rotorua, New Zealand, facilitating buyer-seller interactions through consecutive interpretation and personal presentations.
Kiwi Link Greater China 2023 Event Schedule
13 November 2023 | Arrive in Shanghai to Attend Kiwi Link Seller Briefing |
Afternoon | Arrive in shanghai, airport transfer at your own arrangement |
16:30-17:00 | Seller registration and reception- Glass House, 7F |
17:00-18:30 | Seller Briefing |
14 November 2019 | Shanghai – Kiwi Link Greater China 2023 (Workshop Day 1) |
07:00-08:00 | Breakfast at the hotel-Market Cafe, 6F |
08:00-08:25 | Registration for Group A Buyers |
08:25-08:44 | Kiwi Link China Group A opening address (please gather at the Ballroom Foyer,7F) |
08:45-10:29 | Appointment Schedule – Group A Buyers |
10:30-10:49 | Coffee/Tea Break –Ballroom Foyer |
10:50-12:34 | Appointment Schedule – Group A Buyers
12:35-13:34 | Lunch served at the hotel buffet restaurant |
13:35-15:24 | Appointment Schedule – Group A Buyers |
15:25-15:44 | Coffee/Tea Break –Ballroom Foyer |
15:45-17:29 | Appointment Schedule – Group A Buyers |
17:30-17:40 | Kiwi Link Greater China seller debriefing-day 1 |
17:40- | Workshop Day 1 ends
Free time. Dinner and local transportation at your own arrangement |
15 November 2023 | Shanghai – Kiwi Link Greater China 2023(Workshop Day 2) |
| Breakfast at the hotel- Market Cafe, 6F |
08:45-10:29 | Appointment Schedule – Group A Buyer |
10:30-10:49 | Coffee/Tea Break –Ballroom Foyer |
10:50-12:04 | Appointment Schedule – Group A Buyers |
12:05-13:04 | Group A appointment complete
Lunch served at the hotel buffet restaurant
Registration for Group B Buyers |
13:05-13:20 | Launch Trade Marketing Hub mini program (please be seated at the Ballroom,7F) |
13:21-13:34 | Kiwi Link China Group B opening address |
13:35-15:24 | Appointment Schedule – Group B Buyers |
15:25-15:44 | Coffee/Tea Break –Ballroom Foyer |
15:45-17:29 | Appointment Schedule – Group B Buyers |
17:30-17:40 | Kiwi Link Greater China seller debriefing-day 2 |
17:40-17:55 | Seller Group Photo |
17:55- | Workshop Day 2 ends
Free time. Dinner and local transportation at your own arrangement |
16 November 2023 | Shanghai – Kiwi Link Greater China 2023 (Workshop Day 3) |
07:00-08:30 | Breakfast at the hotel -Market Cafe, 6F |
08:45-10:29 | Appointment Schedule – Group B Buyers |
10:30-10:49 | Coffee/Tea Break –Ballroom Foyer |
10:50-12:34 | Appointment Schedule – Group B Buyers |
12:35-13:34 | Lunch served at the hotel buffet restaurant |
13:35-15:24 | Appointment Schedule – Group B Buyers |
15:25-15:44 | Coffee/Tea Break –Ballroom Foyer |
15:45-16:59 | Appointment Schedule – Group B Buyers |
17:00-17:30 | Group B appointment complete
Kiwi Link Greater China seller debriefing-day 3 |
17:31-20:00 | Kiwi Link Greater China 2023 Ends. Dinner at your own arrangement.
Dress up for Business Networking Event |
20:00-late | Business Networking Event |
17 November 2023 | Travel Day |
06:00- | Breakfast at the hotel - Market Cafe, 6F
Check out of the hotel and depart for the airport (airport transfer at your own arrangement)
*Please settle any incidental charges against your hotel on check out |
Key trade products 主要旅游产品
- Rotorua Skyline 罗托鲁瓦天空缆车
- Zorb 悠波球
- Volcanic Air 火山空中观光
- Te Puia 蒂普亚
- Te Pa Tu 蒂帕图
- Mitai Māori Village 米泰毛利村
- Mountain Jade 玉器店
- Polynesian Spa 波利尼西亚国际温泉浴场
- Hell’s Gate 地狱之门
- Wai Ariki 温泉水疗
地热 Geothermal
- Te Puia 蒂普亚
- Wai-o-tapu 怀奥塔普
- Agrodome Farm 爱歌顿农村
- Duck Tours 罗托鲁瓦鸭子船观光
- Redwoods 红木林树顶步道及夜灯之旅
New(ish) products & development 新产品和开发
- Wai Ariki 温泉水疗
- Mountain Jade 导览游
- Rotorua Ziplines 罗托鲁瓦高空悬索
- Steaming Cliffs 蒸汽崖
- Redwoods Altitude 红木林高地挑战
- Secret Spot Hot Spring Spa 隐秘之地
Not geothermal
- Kiatiaki Adventures 凯提亚基探险
塔拉维拉山拓展徒步 Mount Tarawera
- Hana Lodge 哈娜度假屋 即将开业(12月)
- Velocity Valley 极速谷
Vertigo 极速下落
Lakefront 罗托鲁瓦优美湖畔
18 million (18万新西兰元)新修的:有步道,艺术建筑(love story),夜晚也很美
Wai Ariki Hot Springs And Spa | Wai Ariki 温泉水疗
波利尼西亚水疗(Kinny)是origin,Wai Ariki 的水源是这里
Redwoods 红木林树顶步道
self-guide 没有导游
Volcanic Air 火山空中观光
去hot pool的tour 是2.5小时
会飞过White Island 但不停,sight-seeing
seaplane noun /ˈsiːpleɪn/ (North American English also hydroplane) a plane that can take off from and land on water 水上飞机【PPT上的海上飞机是不准确的】
Hell’s Gate 地狱之门
Mountain Jade 导览游
最终得到一块精巧的绿玉(pounamu: greenstone)
Duck Tour 罗托鲁瓦鸭子船观光
水陆两栖 amphibious
Pamu PurePod 玻璃小屋
all glass
very expensive
1 room (honeymoon, couples)
You can drive there
No one else can come.
You can book all the stuff (dinner) there.
Facilities: flush toilet 抽水马桶🚽
Hana Lodge
freshly refurbished
Jet Park Rotorua 杰特花园罗托鲁瓦酒店
- wholesaler noun /ˈhəʊlseɪlə(r)/ a person or company that sells goods in large quantities to other companies or people who then sell them to the public 批发商:将商品大量出售给其他公司或将商品出售给公众的人或公司
- FIT 自由行
- MICE (Meeting, incentive, convention &event/exhibition) 会议,会奖,会展以及会务旅游
- skydive 高空跳伞🪂
- Hobbiton 霍比屯【《指环王》《霍比特人》系列主角居住的小村庄】
- high-end 高端
- OTP 线上合作伙伴
- CBD 城市中心
- FOC (full of charge)
- RTO (regional tourism organisation) 地区旅游局
- Polynesian spa 波利尼西亚水浴
- hot pool
- digital nomad 数字游民
- Agrodome Farm 愛歌頓皇家牧場
- 2 pax 2人;2位游客
pax (plural pax) (informal, usually in the plural) A passenger; passengers. (informal, usually in the plural, by extension, hospitality industry) A guest (at an event or function). (Malaysia, Singapore, by extension) A restaurant guest, when counting; person.
Pax in commercial transport is used as something like persons or passengers, in the context of counting people, e.g. 150 pax onboard.
I observed that in German writers tend to use the meaning:
PAX = Persons approximately.
English.SE has a page for What does “pax” mean in the context of the apartment rental? Selected answer:
Pax isn't exactly shorthand for Passengers. It's short forPassengers and Passes.
But the author of the answer agreed that another answer was likely more accurate. The latter has a reference to a magazine, Air Facts: The Magazine for Pilots - 1946:
Cargo is known as "cargo", but passengers are called "pax" by the traffic department, who puts them on and takes them off the airplane and "bodies" by the crews who fly them.
Pax could be from passenger as usually assumed in the Aviation community, albeit I don't see why not *pass" instead. I wouldn't be surprised it comes from the merchant navy.
Can we track the use further back to the origin in aviation field?
- 两 liang (Chinese units of measurement) tael
- Any of various units of weight used in eastern Asia, roughly equivalent to 38 grams (1&9{!/3} ounces). 两:任一种在东亚使用的重量单位,大致等于38克(1&9{!/3}盎司)
- A monetary unit formerly used in China, equivalent in value to this weight of standard silver. 银两:过去在中国使用的一种货币单位,价值上相当于这一重量的标准银块
- amphibious adjective /æmˈfɪbiəs/ 水陆两栖的;水陆两用的
- Pounamu is a term for several types of hard and durable stone found in the South Island of New Zealand. They are highly valued in New Zealand, and carvings made from pounamu play an important role in Māori culture.
- 法卡里/白島(毛利語:Whakaari /faˈkaːɾi/,英語:White Island;原稱懷特島或白島[1][2][3]),是一座活躍的安山岩複式火山,位於普倫蒂灣,距離紐西蘭北島海岸48公里。它是紐西蘭最活躍的錐形火山,在過去15萬年來通過不斷的火山活動而形成[4]。華卡塔尼(Whakatane)及陶朗加(Tauranga)是北島上離懷特島最近的城鎮。自1769年詹姆斯·庫克(James Cook)發現懷特島以來,該島就持續釋放火山氣。
- Waimangu lake
- self-guide 【没有其他guide】
- Treetop 树顶
- Peppers on the point (宾馆名)
- glacier 冰川
- 怀奥塔普 Wai-O-Tapu
- e-biking, mountain biking
- adventure playground
- KLook 客路
- float plane 飞行艇
- off-grid adjective /ˌɒf ˈɡrɪd//ˌɔːf ˈɡrɪd/ (also off-the-grid) (especially North American English) not using the public supplies of electricity, gas, water, etc. 不用水电等公共设施
- A houseboat is the ultimate form of off-grid living. 船屋是脱离电网生活的最终形式。
- an off-the-grid house, independent of traditional utility services 一所不依赖传统公用服务设施的网外房子
- Jafa is a slang term (sometimes pejorative) for a resident of Auckland, New Zealand.[1] It is an acronym, standing for Just Another Fucking Aucklander. This prejudice against Aucklanders started to appear around the 1900s, when Premier Richard John Seddon referred to Aucklanders as "Rangitoto Yanks," and is considered to be representative of the boorishness of Aucklanders, or the envy of the rest of New Zealand, depending on the perspective. The term is also misspelled as Jaffa, a chocolate confection from Dunedin, and is often used in sentences which render the original term useless in the grammatical sense. The term has wider currency than the earlier derogatory term "Rangitoto Yank".[2] A variant is Jaffa, Just Another Fuckwit From Auckland.
- refurbishment noun /ˌriːˈfɜːrbɪʃmənt/ (also informal refurb /ˈriːfɜːb/ /ˈriːfɜːrb/) [uncountable, countable] the act or process of cleaning and decorating a room, building, etc. in order to make it more attractive, more useful, etc. 再装修;清理装修
- The hotel is closed for refurbishment. 酒店停业装修。
- This is just one of several planned refurbishments.这仅是几个规划了的翻修项目之一。
- diver noun /ˈdaɪvə(r)/(通常有专用装备的)潜水员